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National Organizations Links - Free Resources from US Ed Department - School Grants
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Education Week
Education World
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Center for Educational Statistics
National Center on Response to Intervention
National School Boards Association
New York Times Knowledge Network
SNApps4Kids - Special needs apps for kids
US Department of Education

State Organizations Links

Association for Supervision and Curriculum
New York State Division of Human Rights
NYS Assembly
NYS Council of School Superintendents
NYS Council on Leadership and Student Activities
NYS Education Department
NYS School Boards Association
NYS Senate
NYS Teachers' Retirement System
NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust - ELT's comprehensive teacher professional development seminar brochure.
Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES
Testing Schedules, Including Regents Exams - A link to the Office of State Assessment
The New York Association for Pupil Transportation

School Safety Links

Character Education Partnership - Our goal is to strengthen our communities, nation, and democracy by empowering teachers, schools, and school administrators.
GLSEN - Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network
i-SAFE Inc. - Internet Safety Education
NYS Center for School Safety
On Cyberbullying
Product Safety Alerts for Parents and Schools
School and Community Outreach Unit - These officers have received specialized training in the areas of school violence, crime prevention, conflict management, and emergency management. Invite your local coordinator to perform a security audit in your building or make a presentation.
Stop Bullying Now
The Dignity for All Students Act - Overview, Fact Sheet, & Resources
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children - Guidelines for Programs to Reduce Child Victimization

Health & Wellness Links

Action for Healthy Kids
Child Health Plus
Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness - ICPH focuses on action-oriented research designed not just to study the complex issue of family homelessness, but also to provide data and ideas that will inform and enhance public policy on serving homeless families.
National Association of School Psychologists
National Diabetes Education Program
New York Association of School Psychologists
New York Coalition for Healthy School Foods
New York State Parent Education and Awareness Program - A program designed to educate divorcing or separating parents about the impact of their breakup on their children.
Prevent Child Abuse New York
Real Psychology - Dr. Susan Lipkins, a psychologist for twenty five years, specializes in issues which confront children, tweens and teens.
School Nutrition Association
Statewide School Health Services Center
The American School Counselor Association
United Way 2-1-1 - 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember number to call when you need help or access to human services.